This is the time to make a dream become true! In this tour you are going to have the opportunity to know amazing places in Florida State, to learn, to meet new friends and to have an unforgatable experience!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back from Everglades

Our day started very early, after breakfast we started to unset our tents and load the canoes, unfortunately the tie was too low so we had to carry our gear and canoes until the water was deep enough for us to start paddling.
The morning come up with the most beautiful sunset. It seemed like we were giving a present for the hard but pleasant work.
By noon we were back to Everglades city with great memories of this adventure.
We unloaded the canoes, ate and rode the bus back to Naples where we spend the afternoon walking around the nice city.

In only two days we had a chance to have life time lessons. We learned that, despite of what we think it is possible, we can do much more. We tent to stay in our comfort zone not believing that its borders are possible to transpose. The students never thought they could paddle for six hours as they did.
Another lesson was the team work. They soon found out that if the four in the canoe didn’t work as a team they would get nowhere. They rapidly understood that everyone had a role to accomplish on the paddle to the island.

They also learned that is possible and enjoyable to have the sky as roof and the sand as floor, the wonders of being away from civilization and its difficulties that our staff made feel like they were minor.
I believe that now everyone is a different person, the wild side taught them how to live and appreciate their everyday life and especially the chance they were given to participate in a Rotary Youth Exchange.
At night we had our last get together with Pizza, speeches and activities. The students were reluctant for going to bed as it was their last night together.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


After six hours paddling we arrived at the Island, Chis and Justin, our guides, started to look for a place to set camp. The place expected was with too much vegetation so we decided to paddle a little more and go around on corner of the island where a beautiful area showed up. We had sea from the front and from the back as we set camp on a small lane of sand.

After enjoyed an amazing sun set we unloaded the canoes and started setting up our tents. A fresh breeze kept the bugs away and made the evening very comfortable, a little chilly.

The next day started early after a very good night of sleep. We had breakfast and right after, a group of Marine Biologists came, sample the waters with seine nets and identify the various species discovered. The nets didn’t bring as much samples as they expected but for us it was amazing to see how much life there is in just few meters of coast.

The afternoon was free for relaxing and fun activities and, after another amazing sun set, we had dinner, a fire and s’mores. After our final briefing we went to bed because the next day would be with early weak up and long paddle back to Everglades City.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Everglades: The Adventure

We came back today from the camping site. There are so many things that happened in those days that will take more posts to tell everything. One thing I can say, they are not the same person who went to Everglades, they learned so much from that experience and, above all, themselves. They now believe they can do things they never imagined they could.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Everglades Adventure Begins!

Yesterday the students "set sail" by canoe to islands in the Everglades.  They were both excited and nervous; excited for the adventure and nervous because of the unknown.  We arrived at the spot to launch the canoes were they received more instructions and information about their upcoming adventure.  The students were split into two groups and further instructions were given.  The first group then loaded the canoes in the water then loaded the canoes with all the gear then themselves.  Once loaded they were on their way.  The second group did the same and they too were on their way.  Both groups paddling their way to a great Everglades adventure!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hollywood Studios and Naples

Hello All, today we had another fantastic day. We began checking out at our hotel in Orlando and going to Hollywood Studios, the students loved the rides, specially the Rock in’ Roller Coaster and the Tower of Terror. The rain we had wasn’t enough to cheer them down. At 4:00pm we left to go to Naples where we are now after 5 hours travelling and a stop at Wal Mart to buy the gear some students didn’t have for the Everglades Adventure. We will be unable to send more news for the next two days but when we come back, we will have much to say.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Magic Kingdom

Hello Again, our day today started with the YES Program, the students had a chance to, before the park opens, have an interactive class about the Property of Motions. It was a very interesting learning experience as they had a chance to go on the rides to experience the physics they just learned. After they were free to enjoy the Magic Kingdom. They had so much fun and the grand finale was the fireworks.

After the park was closed we went to Downtown Disney where they had a chance to eat and know this other great attraction of the Disney Parks.

Tomorrow more news from Hollywood Studios, Regards from Disney, Fred

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Epcot Center

Hello All, how are you? Today we went to Epcot Center around noon. The students were very excited and once they were inside they were free to go around exploring Epcot and its attractions. After the end of the day and having seen the fireworks, they were so amazed with the place. It is incredible how the Disney complex brings up the happiness inside everyone. We were all back to childhood, and tomorrow there is more…We will post more news then..

The dream starts today

Yesterday, my day started at 2:30am in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and finished at 2:30 (my time), 11:30pm Orlando time, after picking Mao up from the airport. Now I am just about ready to leave and meet the rest of the group at Orlando International Airport. Today we are going to Epcot, it will be fun.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Almost there

Tomorrow, really early in the morning, I departure to Orlando in one trip that is going to complete a cycle. When I was fifteen I received a trip to Disney as a present, a dream coming true for a 15 year old boy, the beginning of my international adventures. Today, 25 years later, because of that first trip, I came a long way in terms of travelling. When I meet the group on Tuesday morning I will be happy being part of this international world as I will show people from different countries, including mine, a very beautiful part of another country. This shows that the notion of countries, borders, limits is becoming more and more just a fiction. This is the Youth Exchange World, our world, very small after all!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Post

Hello, this is the blog where we will keep host and natural parents, rotarians, friends, etc.. posted about what is going on during our Florida Trip. Talk to you all next week.
